Karwa is Iraq #1 taxi booking app for reliable, safe and secure transportation services. Using Karwa app, users will be able to book various types of vehicles with few simple steps – here’s how it works:
1. Just open the app and choose your pickup location and drop-off point
2. The app connects you with the nearest driver and it displays the driver’s picture, name, phone number, car model and color
3. You can track your driver live on the map while he’s driving towards your pickup location
4. Get into the car and enjoy your trip, your fare will be based on the in-app meter and you will be able to pay cash or through your phone
5. At the end of the trip, you can rate your driver and leave your comments
Note: In order to to be able to use the app, your phone location service should be turned ON. If you have any question, please contact us at support@karwa.me